Upscaling agrobiodiversity-based rice farming systems through the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Malaysia
A #SRI4Diversity Project
A project by
Funded by
Social Learning
Project Details
SRI-FFS Training of Trainers (TOT)
The SRI-FFS ToT aim to build the training capacity among trainers who are SRI farmers themselves to conduct Farmer Field School (FFS) trainings. Along with the knowledge on the principles of FFS methodology and SRI, the SRI-FFS ToT season-long course was conducted to cover four short-intensive modules: (A); agrobiodiversity-based land preparation, nursery, soil health and germination (B); agrobiodiversity-based SRI plant establishment (C); agrobiodiversity-based nutrient, pest and weed management (D); and agrobiodiversity-based paddy plant health, harvesting and post-harvest handling.
SRI-FFS ToT of West Malaysia was conducted at Sri Lovely organic rice farm, Sik, Kedah. The SRI-ToT was conducted in two sessions: the first was carried out on 10th-11th October 2018 (modules A and C); and the second on November 24th-25th (modules B and D). A total of 29 farmers were trained. Activities included initial baseline information recording, group discussions and agro-ecosystem analysis, hands-on practicals in rice field operations, participatory monitoring and evaluation, post-mortem and curriculum development.
SRI-FFS Training of Trainers (TOT)
The SRI-FFS ToT aim to build the training capacity among trainers who are SRI farmers themselves to conduct Farmer Field School (FFS) trainings. Along with the knowledge on the principles of FFS methodology and SRI, the SRI-FFS ToT season-long course was conducted to cover four short-intensive modules: (A); agrobiodiversity-based land preparation, nursery, soil health and germination (B); agrobiodiversity-based SRI plant establishment (C); agrobiodiversity-based nutrient, pest and weed management (D); and agrobiodiversity-based paddy plant health, harvesting and post-harvest handling.
SRI-FFS ToT of East Malaysia was conducted at Kampung Tambatuon, Sabah. The season-long course was conducted in three sessions: the first was carried out on 28th-29th July 2018 (module C); the second on 12th-14th December (module D); and the third to be conducted on April 2th-3th 2019 (modules A and B). A total of 50 farmers were trained. Activities included initial baseline recording, group discussions and agro-ecosystem analysis, hands-on practicals on rice field operation, participatory monitoring and evaluation, post-mortem and curriculum development.
SRI-FFS Training of Farmers (TOF)
The ToF organized by experienced SRI-trainers (SRI-FFS ToT graduates), are one to two day programmes designed to prepare participants on specific topics in response to actual field needs within the context of raising agrobiodiversity in rice systems. Activities include group discussions and learning exercises, hands-on practicals on rice field operations and participatory evaluation. ToFs were conducted at SRI Learning Center Sawah Sempadan, Selangor on January 13, 2019 (SRI - Planting and Pest Control), and on January 27, 2019 (SRI weeding and Field preparation); in Kadok (February 15, 2019) and Merbau (February 23, 2019) focusing on general awareness of the importance of agrobiodiversity in rice systems with emphasis on SRI method.
Stakeholder Meetings
The SRI-FFS program involved collaborative work with other organizations. Planning for collaboration in the SRI-FFS program was organised through two stakeholder meetings conducted in East and West Malaysia.
For West Malaysia, a stakeholder meeting was conducted at SRi Lovely organic rice farm, Sik, Kedah on October 9th, 2018. Participants were locally-based farmers, SRI-Mas, DoA Sik, IADA Selangor, IADA Terengganu, GEF SGP UNDP, MARDI, UUM STML, DoA Selangor, FTC, and Worldstar.
For East Malaysia, a stakeholder meeting was held in Kampung Tambatuon, Sabah on July 30th, 2018. Participants were locally-based farmers, SRI-Mas, Langit (NGO), Best Society (NGO), DoA Sarawak, and IADA Kota Belud.
Asia SRI Alliance Workshop
A Workshop on “Enhancing Cooperation and Sharing among SRI National Networks and Stakeholders in Asia” was held on October 18-19, 2018, at the Leverage Business Hotel, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. The workshop, which was hosted by The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), was attended by over fifty participants, including SRI network leaders, and representatives from local ministries, academic institutions, civil society organization (CSO), farmers, the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The event was co-organized and funded by SRI-Mas, the Asian Center of Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (ACISAI) at the Asian Institute for Technology, and the SRI International Network and Resource Center (SRI-Rice), with additional funding provided by UNDP. The overall objective of the workshop was to enhance cooperation and sharing among System of Rice Intensification (SRI) National Networks in Asia. This workshop enabled the exchange of information and sharing of experiences and knowledge among the Asian participants from Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Laos, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Participants from Benin, Costa Rica, Kenya and the USA provided additional perspectives and input from Africa and the Americas.